No magic
Stanislav Dombrovsky
Mobile Developer in the past. Former product manager in AppCode. Engineer.
· 2 min read

Privacy Policy for Google Apps Script plugins (Export to HTML and others)

This is the Privacy Policy for the Apps Scripts I made available for use. One of such scripts is “Export to HTML” Google Docs plugin available in the Google Workplace Marketplace (source code)

This privacy policy sets out how the scripts use and protects any information that you supply when using them.

I’m committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. I ask for no information, nor is private information required to operate the scripts. This policy is effective from 03 Apr 2020.

The use of information received from Google APIs by any plugin mentioned here including but not limited to “Export to HTML” will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Required: thoroughly disclose the manner in which your application accesses, uses, stores, or shares Google user data.

First of all, it’s not “my application”, but Google Docs addon. It means that I do not use any APIs for accessing the user information except those provided and secured by Google. Let’s define all other terms:

  • “the manner” - the only manner that is used by this addon is using the Google APIs for manipulating Google Docs. Nothing else.
  • “accesses” - I request the document structure using the Google APIs and I do not use any other APIs for working with Google Docs.
  • “uses” - I use the full document structure with all the texts and all the items only to generate HTML for it. No other usage.
  • “stores” - I do not store the resulting HTML or the original document anywhere.
  • “shares” - I do not share the resulting HTML or the original document anywhere.

Hope, now it’s clear.


I’m committed to ensuring that your information is secure. To this end, the scripts runs on the secure Google platform, specifically via the Apps Script services, and data is transferred via secure HTTP.

Permissions requested by specific plugin and their purpose

Export to HTML

  • - plugin reads the structure of Google Document and needs it for generating HTML, so it obviously needs ability to access the Google Document.
  • and - plugin needs to use DriveApp.getFilesByName function to be able to save plugin settings to your Google Drive into g2html_settings.json file and rewrite old contents with new ones. These permissions are required by this API method from Google.
  • - plugin has a user interface and this permission is required for showing it.
  • - to simplify the code writing and making UI, plugin uses some JavaScript libraries (such as jQuery) and some external UI resources (like Font Awesome icons). This permission is required to load them from CDN (see the plugin code for details).